Brie's Garden
A jewel in our midst is beautiful “Brieanna’s Garden” and bird blind. It is located in the area looking out from the ramp heading down toward the art, music and PE areas. Not only does it have glazed glass that allows for close up bird watching, but the plants and shrubs were all carefully chosen to attract our flying friends. This garden was lovingly created by the parents, teachers and friends of Brieanna Weinstein, daughter of Jim and Mimi Weinstein. Brieanna was a Ray School student who we lost much too early in life to her battle with leukemia. She passed away in May of 1997.
Besides being an awesome inspiration of human spirit in her hopefulness, strength, courage and love for all, Brieanna was a nature lover. In particular, she loved watching and learning about birds. Her favorite was the snowy owl. If you look closely at the hand-crafted bronze arbor framing the bird blind window you will see part of the poem she wrote as a 5th grader. Some parts are also depicted in the sculpture. Also note the presence of a tufted titmouse, her younger sister Shelsey’s favorite bird (Shelsey was also a Ray school student). Jim and Mimi have maintained the garden throughout the years and love to see students, teachers and families enjoying it.