Student Walkers
Students who walk should not arrive at school before playground supervision begins at 7:30 a.m. Students may remain on the playground after school only if a parent or other adult accompanies them. All others must begin their walk home as soon as they are dismissed.
Walk. Do not run into the street. Cross only at street corners.
Watch for turning cars from both the left and the right.
Never cross or enter the roadway from between parked cars.
If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left side of the roadway, facing traffic.
Student Bikers
Wear a Bicycle Helmet.
Adjust Your Bicycle to Fit.
See and Be Seen.
Use Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication.
Use bike lanes or bike paths, if available. Children younger than 10 years old are not consistently able to make the decisions necessary to safely ride unsupervised in the street, so ride on a sidewalk.
Please ride single file!
"Watch, Wave, Walk" - Watch for cars. Wave to the driver to make sure they see you about to cross the street. Walk your bike across the street then get back on your bike and start riding again.
Bus Riders
Hanover and Dresden schools share buses, and schedules are coordinated. Bus routes and schedules are published on the SAU website ( in late August. For additional information about schedules, call the SAU Business Administrator (643-6050). For requested changes in service, please refer to the website mentioned above and utilize the forms available on that page.
The student must take a bus other than his/her regular one.
The student is to be picked up at school rather than riding the bus.
The student will walk or bike to another’s house after school instead of riding the bus.
The student is to be picked up at school by someone other than the parent or guardian.
Riders in Kindergarten through 1st Grade
It is essential that an adult receive kindergarten and first grade students at their stop. Drivers are instructed to NOT drop kindergartners or first graders at stops without an adult to receive them, unless other arrangements have been requested in writing by using the Drop Off Permission Form.
Depending upon locations, conditions or other extenuating circumstances, parents/guardians may be asked to make arrangements to have an adult meet 2nd graders as well.
School Bus Rider Responsibilities
Riders and drivers will treat others with courtesy and respect at all times.
The use of profanity, vulgar, obscene, or abusive language will not be tolerated.
Fighting, shoving, or bullying others on the bus, or while waiting for the bus, will not be tolerated.
Throwing anything on the bus is prohibited.
Talking should be carried on in conversational tones.
Smoking, or other use of tobacco, is prohibited on the bus at all times.
Students must comply immediately with any request or suggestion from the driver pertaining to safe pupil transportation.
Defacement of or destruction to the bus will not be tolerated. Any vandalism of the bus or bus seats will be billed to the person responsible for the damage.
Aisles are to be left free of books, lunch boxes, coats, and other objects at all times. Students should sit in their seats, and not put their arms, legs, etc., into the aisles, except when inadequate space makes this impossible.
Students must remain seated at all times when the bus is moving; arms and heads must be inside the bus at all times. All of the contracted buses are equipped with seat belts for use by students. Although seat belt use on buses is not presently required by NH, VT, or federal mandate, many agree the best practice is to fasten the seat belts while the bus is in motion.
Students may be required to walk up to one and one half miles to a bus stop, or two miles to school.
Students must be ready to board the bus at least five minutes prior to its scheduled stop. In order to keep all of the students on time, drivers are not to wait for pupils who are not present at the designated stop times. Pupils should not crowd onto the street or road waiting for the bus; instead, they should line up and enter the bus in an orderly fashion when it arrives. Middle and high school students boarding buses in front of the Richmond School in the afternoon should stand behind the white line until the buses have come to a complete stop at the curb.
Students must board the bus in an orderly and courteous manner, go immediately to a seat, sit down, and secure their personal belongings. The driver may assign seats.
Students loading and departing from the bus will do so from the front door of the bus. If the road must be crossed, students will wait for the driver's signal and then (using caution) will cross at least 10 feet in FRONT of the bus.
All school rules are in effect on the school bus for transportation to and from school or any school event.
Day-to-day issues concerning discipline, behavior, etc. should be referred to the school administrators:
Lauren Amrhein, Principal, (603) 643-6655
Nan Parsons, Associate Principal, (603) 643-6655
Please contact Mike Gaudette for driver issues, late or early bus, missed stop, etc.:
Student Transportation of Vermont
1796 Route 14, White River Jct., VT
Mike Gaudette
If there is an emergency with a Hanover, Norwich or Dresden bus, please contact:
Jamie TeagueBusiness Administrator
Days: 603-643-6050 x 2008
Afterhours: 603-313-7098
Car Riders
Use the first driveway to your right after entering the main entrance. Do not use the bus entrance zone between 7:30 a.m. and 3:15 p.m.
Parking spaces on the right side of the entrance driveway is for 15 minute drop off/pick up parking needs (Example: student pick up from office, helping a student carry something to or from the classroom).
The circle area is designated a NO PARKING zone between 7 and 8:15 am, and (1:30-2:15 on Wednesdays), 2:30-3:15 pm. Do not leave cars unattended in these areas during arrival and dismissal.
The Handicapped authorization parking area is for designated vehicles only. Do not block these spaces during arrival or dismissal.
Pick up and discharge passengers at the right-hand curbside ONLY.
Students should not cross the school driveways unless escorted by an adult and within the designated crosswalk areas.
Parking during school hours is allowed in the main parking lot or the drop off loop.
Private vehicles must not park along the main driveway, enter the bus-loading zone, or block other vehicles or exits in the parking lot.
Respect the safety needs of the bus drivers.
Please observe the 10 MPH speed limit in our parking lot per Hanover Policy EBBE.
- ray handbook