Parents/guardians are a student’ first teachers, and we encourage that relationship to continue throughout the school years. By emphasizing the importance of education, parents/guardians can guide their student(s) to become effective learners. Students need to hear from parents/guardians that school is a place where important things happen, a place worthy of their respect for the opportunities it offers them. Parents/guardians can express this message by showing interest in what the student is learning, how they are doing, and how they spend their school days.
Parent Conferences and Progress Reporting
Our progress report and conference schedule across the school for 2024-2025 year will be:
Term 1 officially ends on January 17, 2025
Progress reports released digitally January 24, 2025
5th grade Student Led Conferences
Term 2 ends June 17, 2025 (*may be adjusted based on snow days)
Progress reports released digitally by June 23, 2025
Special educators will still complete 3 progress reports for students on their caseloads during the course of the year.
12/9, 3/17, 6/16
- December 9, 2024
- March 17, 2025
- June 16, 2025
Term 1: 8/28/24 - 1/17/25
Term 2: 1/21/25 - 6/17/25
Non-custodial and co-custodial parents are assumed to have equal rights to student information and access unless a court order stating otherwise is provided to the school administration.
Problem Solving
Parental concerns about academic or other matters should first be brought to the attention of a student’s teacher. If a problem is not resolved by discussion with the teacher, the parent should bring the matter to the attention of school administration, and if necessary, to the superintendent.
When contacting a teacher by email, you should expect a 48-hour window for response during the school week. If you have an immediate need, please contact the school office.
Student Records
Parents/guardians have the right to review their student’s complete school record in accordance with Hanover Policy JRA. As the principal or his/her designee must be present during the review, the parent must make an appointment in advance. If parents/guardians object to material contained in the record, they may request that the objectionable material be reviewed with the appropriate personnel. If the objection is overruled, the material will remain in the record, and the parent may place a written statement in the file explaining their objection.
Aside from parental and professional access within the school, student records are confidential in accordance with state and federal law (FERPA), and District policy (JRB). See the
School and District Policy Highlights section for details.
It is important for the school to have accurate student records. Please report any changes of address promptly during the school year to maintain effective emergency contact and good communication with teachers and staff. If a student is leaving the school district, please inform the school as early as possible to ensure a smooth transition of your student’s records, and to ease our planning for staff needs.
Statewide Assessment System (NHSAS)
Students in grades three, four, and five participate in the annual Statewide Assessment System (NHSAS). NHSAS is administered in the spring of the school year. The assessments are designed to measure student performance on grade level standards as determined by the Common Core State Standards in mathematics and literacy. Fifth grade students also complete a science module of NHSAS.
The standardized assessments are only one measure of a student’s performance. We encourage parents/guardians to consider all assessment information, including the information provided in parent conferences to get a broader picture of student progress.
Rays of Sunshine
The school publishes weekly “Rays of Sunshine'' each weekend, notifying parents/guardians of recent and upcoming events and other school news. The Rays of Sunshine is distributed via email (or on request, sent home with students).
Rays of Sunshine is also posted weekly to the Ray School website.
The Ray School website is a comprehensive resource for parents/guardians, staff, and the community. The website contains a wide variety of materials, describing the school, the classrooms and their programs. We encourage parents/guardians to access the website for school information and calendars.
Telephone Contact
To minimize disruption during the morning teaching time, calls from parents/guardians will not be put through to a teacher’s classroom before 12:15. Before that time, the office staff will forward your call to the classroom voicemail. Avoid calling the school with a message for your student unless absolutely necessary. In the event of an emergency, call the school office (643-6655) to leave a message or to speak directly with your student. However, please make after-school plans in advance.
With permission of the teacher, a student may use the telephone in the classroom for school-related matters. Use of cell phones is not allowed during the school day.
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Our PTO runs a variety of special programs and events, including school dances, Math Night and Literacy Night. It also provides special grants for teachers. In addition, the PTO disseminates information, fosters understanding between parents/guardians and teachers, and identifies ways to address common concerns. Membership forms are sent home at the start of the school year. Voluntary annual dues of $30 cover family memberships. The PTO website is linked here:
PTO Information.
The Parent Teacher Organization publishes a student directory each year. Members receive a student directory prepared by volunteers. During the summer registration, parents/guardians will be asked if they authorize the school to release directory information to the PTO.
School Visitors
Please make arrangements ahead of time and check in at the office when you arrive. An appointment is necessary to discuss your student’s progress or other matters with his/her/their teacher.
Volunteers are an important part of our educational team. We encourage parents/guardians to experience for themselves the philosophy and environment of the school. We also benefit from participation by older students, adults in the Hanover and Norwich community, and from Dartmouth College students. Our SAU 70 Volunteer Coordinator is Teal Parker. She can be reached using the email If interested, please contact her about volunteer opportunities and ways in which you can share your special skills and knowledge with our students.
Volunteers involved in ongoing assistance will be named “Designated Volunteers” after background and criminal records check, in accordance with
Policy IJOC and RSA 189:13-a. Volunteers also are required to sign a confidentiality statement.
Parent Fundraising
Parent-sponsored fund-raising activities may be welcome if, in the opinion of the principal, the activity is linked to the school’s educational interests and does not interfere with school routine. District policies prohibit fund-raising for the school or district that uses students in door-to-door sales. District policy also requires Board approval to accept any gift or donation of $1000 or more.