The Ray School is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for students, teachers, staff, parents/guardians, and visitors necessary for teaching and learning. It is our responsibility to promote the health of our whole school community. Our policies and practices include observation of student health, administration of prescribed medications, and follow Center for Diseases Control (CDC guidelines when children are sick).
The School Nurse
The nurse is available during the school day to counsel and assist staff, parents/guardians and students with health problems. Our school nurse administers screenings for vision and hearing for grades K, 1, 3 and 5.
During the school day, with parental approval, the school nurse will administer required medications prescribed by a licensed physician, advanced registered nurse practitioner, licensed physician’s assistant, or dentist. If the nurse is unavailable, the school principal or designee is permitted to administer medications.*
Prescriber’s Authorization
Administration of medications to be given at the school requires authorizations from both the physician and the parent(s) or guardian. The school nurse shall ensure that a written statement from the licensed prescriber contains the following information:
Student’s name.
Prescriber’s name, signature, and contact numbers.
Name of medication, with route and dosage.
Frequency and time of medication or assistance.
Date of the order.
Diagnosis, if not a violation of confidentiality.*
Parent’s Authorization
The school nurse shall also ensure that there is a written authorization from the parent(s) or guardian, containing the following:
Parent’s or guardian’s printed name and signature.
Parent’s or guardian’s home and emergency phone numbers.
Names of persons to be notified in case of a medication emergency in addition to the parent(s) or guardian and licensed prescriber.
List of all medications the student is currently receiving, if not a violation of confidentiality or contrary to the request of the parent, guardian.
Approval for the school nurse or designee to administer or assist with the medication, or for the student to possess and self-administer.
Medications Delivery
A parent, guardian or designated adult shall deliver to the school any medication to be administered by school personnel. Medications shall be delivered in a properly labeled pharmacy container showing the following information:
Student’s name
Route of delivery
Frequency and times of administration
Prescribing physician
No more than a 30 school-day supply of a student’s prescription shall be stored at school. Long-term medication orders must be renewed each school year.
A registered nurse or others who are qualified or delegated and trained shall administer injectable medications. The school nurse should work with the parent(s) or guardian to identify and authorize appropriate delegates.
Absence or Illness
Students are expected to come to school healthy, well rested, and ready for the school day. Otherwise, the school may determine that the student should be at home. For each day absent, parents must call or email the school to report when and why the student is absent. This is especially true if the student is out with fever, sore throat and cough. In the course of the school day, students who are evaluated and have been treated by the school nurse and do not demonstrate improved performance will be sent home.
School rules are very specific about attendance and illness:
Students stay home when sick at least 24 hours after they no longer have a fever or signs of a fever without the use of fever reducing medication (
Students who have had a fever or who have vomited during the night should not come to school the next day.
Students with strep throat infection should be on antibiotics at home for 24 hours before returning to school.
Students who have been injured, hospitalized, or received medical care beyond routine visits should bring a note or copy of doctor’s orders or findings upon their return to school. Appropriate accommodation will be made on the basis of the medical issue.
Other factors to be considered include:
Bodily secretions or fluids that are difficult to manage or contain, or can be spread by direct or indirect contact with others.
Bodily secretions, such as cough or sneeze, which cannot be controlled or prevented.
Parents/guardians will be called when a student is identified with lice or nits. Students may finish the school day, be treated and then return to school.
Emergency Information
If an accident or health emergency occurs during school hours, immediate attention will be given. We will then make every effort to contact the parent(s) in the event that transportation or further medical treatment is needed.
This emergency information should be updated annually in our electronic Info-Snap system. The school office and nurse must be alerted to any change in address, telephone numbers, physician, and/or a contact person with whom your student will stay if you are away. It is also important that the school have a local contact person in case parents cannot be reached.
The school should also be notified of any serious disruptions in family life such as separation, divorce, serious illness, or death. This information helps us understand a student’s distress, and will be handled with discretion.
- ray handbook