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Personal Safety

Guidelines for Parents/Guardians

We suggest the following:

  • Know your student’s friends, and be involved in your student’s activities.
  • Never leave a young student unattended.  Never leave him/her/them alone in the car.
  • Make clear to your student whose home or car he/she may enter.
  • If someone pays unusual attention to your student, be sure you know why.
  • Be sensitive to changes in your student’s behavior or attitudes.  Encourage open communication.
  • Never belittle fears or concerns your student may express to you.
  • Teach your student his/her/their phone number, including the area code.
  • Teach your student his/her/their full address, including state.
  • Be sure your student knows what to do when lost or separated from the family.

Child Abuse

The school has a legal responsibility to report all suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect to the appropriate authorities.  Through our guidance and health curriculum we teach students about serious touching problems involving private parts of the body.  Private parts are defined as parts of the body covered by a bathing suit.  Children are told that they have the right to say ''NO'' even to an adult.  They are also taught to report the abuse to an adult, and that the problem is not their fault.

Violence, Bullying, and Intimidation

Students and staff have a right to be safe from violence and intimidation on school grounds, school transportation, and at school-sponsored functions.  Physical or verbal intimidation, harassment, hazing, bullying, verbal abuse, or physical assault will not be tolerated.  Intentional behavior that causes bodily injury will be reported to the police, as required by NH RSA 193-D:4.  Serious assaults will also be reported to the Hanover School Board. 

Parents who believe their student has been subjected to bullying—either by other students or by staff—should report their concerns to the classroom teacher.  If not resolved, the parent should consult with the school principal.  If not resolved at that level, the parent should report to the superintendent.  For further details, see Policy JICK, Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention Policy. 

Weapons on School Property:  School Board Policy JICI

Guns and Firearms - Students:

Any student who is determined to have brought a firearm to school, or to have possessed a firearm at school, as defined in section 921 of Title 18 of the United States Code in a safe school zone as defined in RSA 193-D:1, shall be expelled from school by the local school board for a period of not less than 12 months. This expulsion may be modified by the Superintendent upon review of the specific case in accordance with other applicable law.

Pursuant to the provisions of 20 U.S.C. § 7151, Gun-Free Schools Act, the Board requires the Superintendent to contact local law enforcement authorities and/or the Division of Children and Youth Services and notify them of any student who brings a firearm or weapon on school property.

Guns and Firearms –Law Enforcement:

Weapons under control of law enforcement personnel are permitted.

Other weapons:

For the purposes of this policy, “weapon” includes but is not limited to: sling shot, metallic knuckles, billies, knives, electric defense weapons (as defined in RSA 159:20), aerosol self-defense spray weapons (as defined in RSA 159:20), and martial arts weapons (as defined in RSA159:24).

“Weapon” is further defined as any device, instrument, material or substance, which is used, attempted to be used, or threatened to be used and is readily capable of causing death or serious physical injury.

Weapons are not permitted in school buildings, on school property, in school vehicles or at school-sponsored activities. This policy applies to students and members of the public alike.

Student violations of this policy will result in both school disciplinary action and notification of local law enforcement authorities.

  • ray handbook