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Food at School

Breakfast and lunch menus are posted on the food service page.  Parents/guardians should discuss menu choices with their students daily. 


There is a selection of breakfast items available to students during precess time. Students purchasing breakfast will enter the school before 7:50 through the main entrance and proceed to the Ray Cafe to purchase and eat breakfast. Students report back outside to precess time when they have finished eating breakfast. Breakfast ends at 7:55 when the bell rings for students to enter the school and begin their day.


Each day there is a 30-minute lunch period. Students may bring lunch from home or purchase a hot or cold lunch at the school cafeteria. Students eat in their classrooms, supervised by an adult. Parents are encouraged to provide nutritious foods using whole-grain bread, low-fat dairy products, and high-fiber ingredients. Our lunch program is run by FreshPicks Cafe.


Student: $2.50
Adult: $2.75

Student: $3.75
Adult: $4.50

Single milk costs 75 cents.

Single or multiple lunches can be purchased on any school day between 8 and 8:30 a.m.  No money is handled on the lunch line. Checks should be made out to the Hanover School District. Parents can also access Mealtime Online to do electronic deposits.

Reminders will be emailed to parents/guardians when lunch account balances run low or are depleted. 

The Ray School offers a Free and Reduced Lunch Program. This program assists families by providing a healthy lunch to students at .50 cents per day or less. The form is included in the summer mailing, listed on the summer registration form and available on the school district website.  It is also available throughout the school year and may be submitted any time as family circumstances change.


Parents may provide a healthy snack to be eaten during a morning or afternoon snack period. Students may not bring glass containers on the school bus or into the school.


Gum is not allowed unless it is part of a student’s academic learning plan.


Classroom Treats and Parties

Food for class parties should emphasize healthy snacks.  The idea that good food can be fun is an important message to the students. For class parties, teachers may reach out with requests around classroom celebrations for food items. Provided that opportunities to enjoy snacks are offered to all in a thoughtful manner, items may be donated by families for these scheduled celebrations.

Birthdays will still be honored and celebrated; however, we ask that you not send in shared birthday food treats. 

Questions about food contributions should be directed to School Nurse Robin Lobb or School Administrators Lauren Amrhein and Nan Parsons.


Food allergies 

Several students at the Ray School are diagnosed with life threatening food allergies.  Special attention to keeping our school safe for all students requires cooperation from families.  Important information about food allergies may be found on the Ray School website/health services.

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