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School and District Policy Highlights

The Hanover District has a large number of officially adopted policies governing Board and in-School practices.  The following summaries outline the essence of several key policies relating to student safety, discipline and information.  These summaries provide an overview only, and are not to be relied on for official wording or completeness.  Full texts of these (and all other) policies are available from the Ray School office, or from the SAU office on Lebanon Street, or on the SAU website.


FERPA Notification

The following Board Policy in this handbook will serve as the annual notice to parents/guardians.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students who are 18 years of age or older (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records.  These rights are:
1) The right to inspect and review the student’s education records.
a) Any parent  or eligible student may request the principal of the building to make available to him or her, at a time specified by the principal, the child’s cumulative record folder.
b) The request for access to records shall be granted within a reasonable period of time, but in no case more than 45 days after the request has been made.
c) Cumulative record folders may be reviewed in a school building at a specified place in the presence of a school administrator or his/her designee.
d) No material may be removed from the file, nor may the file be removed from the office.
2) The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records to ensure that they are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights, and be provided with a process which includes a hearing and the right to attach differing perspectives to the record.
a) Parents or eligible students who believe that inappropriate material is included in the student’s record should submit a written statement of this fact to the principal.
b) The principal will review the statement and either remove the controversial material or give a reason why this is not being done, and inform the parents or eligible students of their right to a hearing.  The hearing may be conducted by any individual, including a school official, who does not have a direct interest in the outcome of the hearing.  The decision shall be in writing within a reasonable amount of time after the hearing and shall be based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing.
c) Parents or eligible students may place in the student’s file a statement concerning their belief that certain material is inappropriate.
3.  The right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information (PII) contained in the students’ education records, except to the extent the Act authorizes disclosure without consent.  These exceptions include, but are not limited to, allowing disclosure without consent to school officials with legitimate educational interests.  A school official includes a person who needs to review a student’s educational record or information contained in that record and who is:
a) A person employed by the School Administrative Unit (SAU) #70 or one of its districts as an administrator, supervisor, educator or substitute educator, paraprofessional, or support staff member, including tutorial, health, law enforcement, transportation, nutrition, athletic, extra- or co-curricular, clerical or other support staff;
b) A member of the School Board acting on behalf of the Board and with the recommendation of the superintendent;
c) A person or company with whom the SAU #70 or the School district has contracted to perform a special task, including an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, therapist, evaluator; and
d) Any other person designated by the School Board superintendent or principal to have legitimate educational interests.
4.  The right to file with the U.S. Department of Education a complaint concerning alleged failures by the school to comply with the requirements of FERPA.  The contact information for such a complaint is:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC  20202
5.  The right to obtain a copy of the school’s policy and written procedures or protocols related to student records.

Directory Information

The following information is designated as “directory information.”

1.  Student’s name, address, date of birth, dates of enrollment.
2.  Parent or legal custodian’s name and address.
3.  Student’s grade level classification.
4.  Student’s participation in recognized school activities and sports.
5.  Weight and height of a member of an athletic team
6.  Student’s diplomas, certificates, awards, and honors received.

The school may release directory information without proper written consent unless the parent or eligible student informs the principal in writing that any or all of the information designated above should not be released without prior consent.


Adequate Public Education

(State of New Hampshire, Title 15: Education, Chapter 193E, Section 193-E:3).  NHDOE rules will be followed regarding Adequate Public Education Title 15: Education, Chapter 193E, Section 193-E:3)


Policy JRB Student Records; Family Privacy 

The District is committed to protecting the confidentiality of student records.  Parents are hereby notified that they have specific rights under FERPA law, including access/inspection of student records, request for amendment, consent to disclosure, filing of complaints, and access to related policies, procedures and protocols.  The complete policy is available by accessing this link: Policy JRB


Policy JICK Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention- Bullying

The Board is committed to providing all pupils a safe and secure school environment. This policy is intended to comply with RSA 193-F. Conduct constituting bullying and/or cyberbullying will not be tolerated and is hereby prohibited. The complete policy is available by accessing this link: Policy JICK 


Policy ACAA Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Students

Harassment of students because of age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, creed, color, ancestry or national origin, marital status, familial status, physical or mental disability, religion or economic status is prohibited. Such conduct is a violation of Board policy and may constitute illegal discrimination under state and federal laws.  The complete policy is available by accessing this link: Policy ACAA


Policy ADD Safe Schools

The Board recognizes that effective learning and teaching takes place in a safe, secure and welcoming environment and that safe schools contribute to improved attendance, increased student achievement and community support. The complete policy is available by accessing this link: Policy ADD


Policy AC Non Discrimination/Equal Opportunity

Discrimination against and harassment of school employees because of age, sex, race, religion, color, marital status, familial status, physical or mental disability, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, ancestry or sexual orientation are prohibited. The District will not discriminate against any employee who is a victim of domestic violence, harassment, sexual assault, or stalking. Discrimination against and harassment of students because of sex, race, religion, color, creed, age, gender identity, marital status, familial status, economic status, physical or mental disability, national origin, ancestry, or sexual orientation are prohibited. The Board directs the school administration to implement a continuing program designed to prevent discrimination against all applicants, employees, students, and other individuals having access rights to school premises and activities.  The complete policy is available by accessing this link: Policy AC


Policy JICM Video and Audio Recording for Instructional and Professional Development Purposes 

The SAU 70 School District is committed to the use of technology to enhance the education of its students.  The District acknowledges that video, and audio recording (“recording”) in the classroom may be useful for instructional and/or professional development purposes. The complete policy is available by accessing this link:  Policy JICM


Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)


Hanover, Dresden, and Norwich Student and Staff
Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)


This notice serves to fulfill annual notification requirements in accordance with Section 763.93 of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Act (AHERA). AHERA requires that all school buildings be visually inspected by accredited inspectors to identify all asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM) that may be present in the school, and to maintain records of all activities related to inspections, removal and maintenance of ACBM. As required under AHERA, the Hanover, Dresden, and Norwich Districts must maintain an Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) and keep the AMP on file at each school (main offices), and the School Administrative Unit office (SAU). The AMP is available for review during school hours, Monday through Friday.

The AMP details the location of asbestos in each District owned building and provides a record of re-inspections, periodic surveillance, and removal of asbestos.

Please note: Richmond Middle School is asbestos free.

For additional information, please contact our Local Educational Agency Designee, Anthony Daigle, Director of Facilities at (603) 643-6050.


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